Albertans who benefitted from CERB in 2020: 1,071,450
Number of women MPs in 2020: 100
Covid updates given by the PM to Canadians in 2020: 81
Meetings the PM held with premiers in 2020: 23
Meetings PM Harper had with premiers during his entire tenure: 1
Long-term water advisories lifted in First Nations communities since October 2015: 97
Monies allocated to Alberta oil and gas companies to reduce GHGs and help maintain jobs: $750M
Jobs to be created in Alberta through investment in clean tech research and innovation, and retrofitting: 3100
Federal funding for long term care homes announced in November: $1 billion
Major oil companies that oppose the federal price on pollution: 0
People currently working on the Trans Mountain Pipeline project: 7300
Construction jobs that will result from a federal government investment of $815 million to modernize Alberta irrigation district infrastructure: 1280
Muslim Lieutenant-Governors in Canadian history before the appointment of Edmonton’s own Selma Lakhani: 0
Federal government investment in Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships (INRP) program in Alberta and British Columbia: $12 million
Conservatives who voted against or abstained from voting on bill banning conversion therapy: 9
Alberta jobs expected through federal government’s $1.7 billion investment in clean-up of orphaned and abandoned oil and gas wells: 5,200
Federal Rapid Housing Initiative monies allocated to Alberta to reduce chronic homelessness: $41.9 million
Canada’s ranking for quality of life according to 2020 Best Countries rankings: 1
Moderna and Pfizer vaccination doses purchased by Canada: 40 million and up to 76 million, respectively
Compiled by Eleanor Olszewski