The Round-Up
Here are some of the many ways in which our federal government has provided support to rural Albertans since 2019*:
Support for Alberta beekeepers to offset costs of colony replacements due to Covid 19: up to $1 million
Investment in modernization of Alberta irrigation district infrastructure and increased water storage capacity, which will create up to 6,800 direct and indirect permanent jobs and up to 1,280 construction jobs: $815 million
Funding for construction of 2 new Francophone schools, École Saint-Vital in Beaumont, Alberta, and École des Quatre-Vents in Peace River, Alberta: $3 million
Investment in critical animal health diagnostics at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: $3.4 million
Support for businesses in Northern Alberta, which will have a positive impact on families and communities: $3.2 million
Federal funding to support companies in the development of plant-based foods and products: more than $2.6 million
Funding to Taber Irrigation District to support irrigation projects and attract investment from global food companies. This investment will create high-paying jobs and increase agricultural trade: $.2 million
Business support for local companies in Southern Alberta in all stages of the business lifecycle, from start-up to maturity: $2 million
Federal support for Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships in Alberta and BC, to allow for Indigenous participation in economic opportunities in resource development: $6 million
Flood control to help protect more than 60,000 Albertans living in the MD of Taber from the impacts of flooding: $9.8 million
Funding to increase the efficiency of rail transport in Alberta’s industrial heartland by providing extra capacity for train assembly, storage space and access to CN and CP rail networks. This investment will help reduce bottlenecks along Western Canadian rail networks: $5 million
Support for Indigenous businesses in all 46 First Nations whose revenues have been affected by Covid-19: $16.5 million
Funding to improve road safety and travel efficiency on Highways 15 and 19: $73 million
Support for the expansion and acceleration of virtual health care services for Albertans, of particular importance in the pandemic: $16 million
Monies to support infrastructure projects including repair and upgrades to health care facilities in Brooks, Camrose, Fort Saskatchewan, Morinville, St. Albert and other communities: $27 million
Compiled by Eleanor Olszewski; Chair, LPC(A)
*funding announcement references available on request